Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Note on "Brokeback Mountain"

"A gay cowboy movie" has been the most unfair label ever attached to a movie as beautiful and deep as Brokeback Mountain . I finally watched this movie (now after Heath Ledger's sad death) and I have to say I was deeply impressed and pleased to see a different beautifully-made movie about love as it is, not as we might expect it to be. There is plenty of information about this movie, its screenplay and the Annie Proulx short story it is based on all over the internet, so I would not repeat them here.
Just as a short note, I think instead of that oversimplifying (and utterly stupid) tag which is attached to this beautiful movie, one can think of Brokeback Mountain as "a movie about love that happens between two souls that [concerning the social/cultural context, unfortunately] happen to be of the same sex -- in a conventionally heterosexual world". This might be a bit more complex than that tag I first quoted, but at least, I think it is more fair.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi dear Tina na aslan bezarid begam salam tina junam
tavalodet mobaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarak.
happy ur birth day